Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Education

List of educational institutions of the city of Bryansk

Municipal education system consists of 188 educational institutions:

3 Lyceum
9 high schools
64 secondary schools
98 pre-school educational institutions (14,600 students)
10 centers and houses of creativity
2 of the industrial plant in Bezhitskaya and Soviet areas of the city
municipal educational institution for children in need of psychological and educational assistance "Bryansk city center for psychological, medical and social support"
municipal educational institution "Bryansk city information and reference center in the system of additional pedagogical education (training)»

Operates 20 specialized secondary educational institutions.

Higher education is carried out five high schools:

Bryansk State Technical University
Bryansk State University
Bryansk State Engineering and Technological Academy
Bryansk State Agricultural Academy
Bryansk Institute of Management and Business

Bryansk opened branches the following universities:

Moscow State Pedagogical University;
Russian State Social University;
Russian Academy of open transport;
Russian State University of Trade and Economics;
National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health;
Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of Russia;
Russian University of Cooperation;
Moscow Psychological and Social University;
Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute;
Moscow Institute of advertising, tourism and show business;
Moscow New Law Institute;
International Slavic Institute;
Modern University for the Humanities;
Moscow Financial and Law University;
International Academy of Business and Management;
Academy of Law and Administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service;
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
Regional Financial and Economic Institute.

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